Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Outline"Disaster Film"

   What is the different between Chinese movie and America movie. Plot, Scene, Genre or Culture.
Actually all of them are different. But in which part is the main reason to bring about them different .The answer certainly is Culture..
Chinese disaster movie more work on describing emotional interaction between people and people during the disaster. Describing on the catastrophic scene in generally is in order to create an miserable circumstance.
However, America disaster movie use more ink to describe the catastrophic scene. Using high technology to compose more and more horrible scene attract audience’s eyes.

1.       Plot different :little plot of the story. Plenty spectacular scene of disaster
little in spectacular catastrophic scene. More plenty of story plot description.
2.       America movie a lot of high technology used in film. Real object a little
Chinese movie not so much high technology but many true story
3         America disaster movie less people dialogue between people and people than Chinese disaster
4         Sequel one hero through the effort to rescue other people :comedy result
Sequel dispersed people in the disaster many years later find out each other family getting together again ;comedy result
Actually different country have different culture. Film production most time is depended on culture,but they have same common feature like in the disaster movie most people dying. Some lost their relatives .however because of culture different America disaster movie more emphasize in visual effective of movie and heroism. Chinese disaster movie pay attention about emotion between people and people and collectivism.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Introduction of ”Disaster Movie"

                         Disaster Movie Creation bring people more enjoyment in "Visual and Acoustical"                      

  1) Why more and more people would like to watch "Disaster Movie"in modern time?
      What the audiences want to have from the "Disaster Movie"?
      How do they feel happy from the "Disaster Movie"?
The common answer of the three questions is the " people finding incitement ".
Incitement always would be presented by two main way ,Visual and  Acoustical.
      At the climax of the Disaster Movie as well the effective of the "Visual and  Acoustical" is presented distinctly .People why feel horrible ,because  the scene they never see in their real life.The sound in the movie they never hear around their life.
     A successful Disaster Movie will spend a lot of time and experience in the section of scene creation.why composer will use plenty of time on it ,because to acquire a wonderful even fantastic effective on the visual and acoustic.
     Without a good visual and acoustic for disaster film as like people without eyes .In this situation  people to enjoy disaster movie is impossible.So visual and acoustical is the key for disaster movie's success.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Comparing between Chinese Disaster Film and American Disaster Film"

Thesis Statement: Culture is the core of The Disaster Movie
                Common:No matter in Chinese Disaster Movie or in America Disaster Movie will show a piece of horrible picture like seawater submerging city,tornado attacking suburb,earthquake resulting in building collapse and so forth.
                       Moreover, in the disaster film you will find human beings are helpless,horrible,anxiety under the disaster.Only a few part of people at last are alive.But most of these people lost their couple children and lovers.
                Different:   American Disaster Films are accustomed to use high technique for showing disaster's horrible.In American Disaster Movie you can see more imagination and creation which are maybe not happened in real  catastrophe.Individualism is always appeared  in American catastrophe's movie .Usually depend on personal power to rescue people.
                                 China Disaster Movie always go through to describe characters inner emotional change for showing disaster 's horror.Meanwhile,people's dialogs as well  are  another way to show horror.Collectivism is shown in Chinese disaster movie.

              Conclusion:Culture is main reason which result in different between Chinese Disaster Movie and American Disaster Movie.Culture different make us to the comprehension of the disaster's concept is different.



Sunday, October 31, 2010

Outline of my presentation "Movie"

At the first part of my presentation I want to introduce the movie's origin and the movie development history.I will you offer some statistics to show how difficult to create film for film makers at that time.even some great films  at that time due to not have a good  propaganda so that most of people know nothing about it.
At the second part I will focus on disaster movie and interpret what is the different between American disaster film and China disaster movie in content subject circumstance context,the four parts.meanwhile I will explain to you why lots of people enjoy watching disaster or horror film.How to do can create a excellent disaster film.
At the third part .I will show you some latest and popular disaster films around us.What make them highly popular,famous actor or excellent propaganda?I will give you the answer at the end of this part.
The last part.we will  in common overlook the future of disaster movie.Nowadays the subject of the most disaster films are similar even same.how to use a new method and technology to attract and stimulate audiences going into the theater will to be more important to film development.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am interested in Movie,because a good movie always give people inspiration and  bring happiness to people's life.You experience happy from comedy movie .You can feel incentive from adventure movie.You can learn care from tragedy movie.When your working pressure  is  too big,you can go to the cinema  to enjoy watching the movie which can make you relax you body and mind.
A great movie in generally be able to enlarge my view,.meanwhile,it can indicate you to find a right way in your career.Many story in the movie actually derive from our reality life.Sometimes you can find a lot of stories in the movie are happened beside our life.
One of the reason  why  I love the movie because you will be able to see some scene which you never can see it in your life.A lot of amazing events like plane crushing building ,ocean covering the city,are appeared on the screen.